Friday, February 22, 2008

How to Get Rich Easily

It seems that everyone wants to get rich. There are books out on that subject, classes that are headed by someone who can show you an easy way to get rich, rich people willing to drop advice on how to get rich, and many other schemes that guarantee you will get rich fast. Getting rich is one of the main goals of most people, and while it is never easy, there are some legal techniques that may work.


  • Pay for a prestigious secondary education so that you can get a prestigious collegiate education so that you can obtain a prestigious professional degree. Professionals sometimes end up wealthy. Remember that it takes years of study and sacrifice to get to be a professional, so be patient. Alternatively you could quit in your first year start a dot com or IT related company and be well on your way to making riches.
  • Buy Stocks in a successful and growing company or Get Started Trading Options. Visit an independent adviser if you lack experience in this area.
  • Play the lottery and join with a group you can get hundreds of tickets for your few dollars and you’ll have fun doing it.
  • If you ever do win take the lump sum cash payment and invest it yourself. The cash payouts are usually half as much but you can more than double your money if you invest yourself over thirty years.
  • Work to the best of your ability in your present job. If you do not, interview for a job that makes minimum wage and act (convincingly - but don't overdo it) like you are interested in more than a paycheck. Work hard and suck up, making your way up the promotional ladder. Executives sometimes start out in low-paying jobs; if you have patience and work hard and learn, you might end up in middle-management. If you are incredibly lucky, you might even get rich. The odds of that happening are low, but are substantially higher than the odds of winning the lottery. Also, there is no guarantee: You may work very hard for 25 years and then get 'downsized', right as they take away your pension. Relying on the generosity of the rich is not a very safe bet.
  • Invest in real estate. Buy a fixer-upper for a low price. Make improvements, and sell it for double what you paid for it. Use the profits to buy a second house, and do the same thing. Look for repossessed houses, and once again, fix them up, and sell for a profit. You never really use your own money, and eventually you will be wealthy.
  • If you have been reading until here, you're still searching for that groundbreaking idea to get rich easily - but if it would be that easy everybody would do it. So think out of the box, be creative, challenge your environment to discuss business ideas, learn from people who did it, read their biographies, take a low-paid PA job, keep a record of your progress and your motivation and finally networking, networking, networking.
  • Be frugal. Never spend money on anything you do not need for your most basic survival. It's not how much you make, it's how much you don't spend that will make the difference.
  • Talk to wealthy people and ask them for advice. Try to follow in their footsteps as well as reading books on making money such as Ebay businesses and other.
  • Develop and patent a new product. Take a look around your house and think about the activities you do and how they could be made simpler. If you come across an idea don't waste any time develop a prototype (a working example of your good but not necessarily what the final product would look like) and patent it. If a manufacturer likes your idea too you can license it at a per item price for every one they make. If it is popular you can make a lot of money without taking the risks.




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